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    Free Webinar: Preparing for Spring Severe Weather

    Date: March 12, 2013, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
    Registration Link:
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    Free Webinar: Preparing for Spring Severe Weather

    We have all witnessed the devastating effects Mother Nature can cause throughout the year. Now is the time to prepare for the threats posed by severe spring storms and floodwaters.

    If your organization is affected by adverse weather conditions, how well will you be prepared to serve those who depend on you in their time of need? Join the SBA and co-sponsor Agility Recovery as we welcome Agility CEO Bob Boyd, who will share tips and best practices to mitigate the risks posed by spring weather conditions.  

    Title: Preparing for Spring Severe Weather

    Date/Time: Tuesday, March 12th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm EDT

    Registration Link:

    For more information, go to: